College of Education and 人类服务

St. 查尔斯,莫. / St. 路易斯,莫.
Instructional Design (MS)

St. 查尔斯,莫. / St. 路易斯,莫.
Instructional Design (MS)

College of Education and 人类服务 NAVIGATION

The Master of Science in Instructional Design program has been developed to provide professionals with a competitive advantage for careers in learning and development through a personalized learning experience.

Professionals will have opportunities to upskill in key areas, such as instructional design principles, 包容性设计, 评估, 设计伦理, 研究, 和领导能力. The program is rooted in experiential learning through real-world projects and exposure to regional organizations and industry leaders.


The Master of Science in Instructional Design 30-hour program prepares professionals from any field to design digital learning solutions using a variety of instructional design approaches. Students will learn the foundations of evidence-based instructional design models, 理论, and best practices by integrating creativity and technical skill. A teaching certificate is not required to enroll in this program.

The option to complete a prescribed 18-credit subset of the program will allow students to earn a Certificate in Instructional Design.

课程 & Instruction - Teacher Ed